Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Zion National Park

Zion was our last stop before heading home. It was so beautiful, and definitely one of my favorite parts of the trip. Our first day in Zion we took the Emerald Pools trail. It would have been an easy hike most days, but it was 106 degrees the day we went! Despite the heat, we had a good time. Our second day we went on a hike called "The Narrows". The "trail" is actually the river, and you walk through it as it goes through a canyon. It was so amazing, and so much fun! We also saw a lot of cool wildlife in Zion; lizards with vibrant blue tails, deer, ground squirrels, dragonflies, frogs, and tarantula hawks (a type of hornet that has the 2nd most painful sting of any insect in the world!) Zion was a great way to end a great trip :)

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