Monday, June 4, 2012

New Kittens!

Two new additions to our foster kitten family: Kora (the calico girl) and Mako (the orange tabby). I guess when you let brothers name kittens they get named after cartoon characters :) Karma and Chi are still looking for homes but we decided we had a little extra room in our home and hearts, and these two are fitting in perfectly. Mako and Kora are unrelated, and we are guessing that Mako is about 4 weeks old, and Kora around 3 weeks. Mako is doing great; he is eating well, playing, and purring. Kora is doing okay, but she's still a bit dehydrated and fragile. At first Chi was very jealous of the two (after being a slightly spoiled only child for so long), but now he has found a playmate in Mako, and he is loving his role of big brother. Mako and Chi are always chasing each other around and wrestling. Chi knows to be a little gentle, and Mako doesn't seem to be at all intimidated by wrestling with a kitten more than twice his size. Kora isn't quite up to joining in the rough housing yet. Right now she just loves being held, she is super sweet, and probably the cutest kitten I've ever seen! Karma still isn't quite sure what to think of having two new kittens. At first she pretty much pretended they didn't exist, but this morning she was letting them nurse for a bit and grooming them. (While Chi glared from a distance ;) I'm sure I'll have more pics and stories soon!

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