Saturday, June 9, 2012

Animals Everywhere!

Four new foster kittens! 4-week-old sisters Zia (brown tabby), Zelda (gray tabby), Zoe (white and gray), and Zara (brown tabby and white). We got them on Wednesday and, although they were very hissy at first, which is to be expected of kittens who were rescued from who knows where and then shuffled between homes, they are now becoming very sweet and playful. When we fist got them they were covered in fleas so we had to keep them separate from the other kitties while we treated them. Now we are hoping to move them in with Kora and Mako this afternoon after Karma and Chi head off to their adoption fair (hopefully they will find homes this weekend!) As you can see from the second pic, Karma and Chi easily welcomed Kora and Mako, and they have definitely enjoyed playing and cuddling with each other this week. Caring for 7 kittens and a cat has definitely kept me extremely busy lately. Seems like I've been doing nothing but feeding cats :) The third picture is another animal visitor that I am very excited about. I just put out a hummingbird feeder a couple days ago, and this little guy was our first customer!

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