Sunday, August 18, 2013


My mom and I got up early to catch the sunrise outside our hotel
Our first sighting of wildlife in its natural habitat

An adorable little bison calf crossing the river

The Yellowstone River at the Lower Falls

Hot springs 
And a view from above
The Yellowstone River
More hot springs - I loved this color!
And, of course, I had to include a pic of Old Faithful

Lewis Lake

Driving through the stunning Grand Tetons on the way out 

The last day of summer vacation! The summer went by so quickly, but I'm very excited for school so that isn't such a bad thing right now. We got back from our 2+ week road trip a week ago. We had a great time on our trip, and we really enjoyed my uncle's wedding and had so much fun visiting family along the way. I just wanted to share a few - okay, that's a lie, a whole lot of - pictures from Yellowstone because it was so gorgeous! Unfortunately, we were only able to spend one day there at the end of our trip, but that one day was amazing.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer!!!

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