Thursday, November 22, 2012


Moon Jellyfish in the Monterey Bay Aquarium's "Jellies Experience" exhibit
Crown Jellies in the same exhibit
Looking for some wild ocean creatures off the aquarium's deck
And here's what we spotted - a Sea Otter munching on a crab
And a Harbor Seal :)
The view...
X enjoying Ghirardelli ice cream - yum! :)
City lights across the bay
Happy Thanksgiving! Right now I'm feeling very thankful for family - both immediate and visiting relatives - and the amazing time we've had this past week, including a beautiful day in Monterey, lots of games, fun, laughter, talking, and, of course, enjoying good food :) I just wanted to share a few of the pictures I took yesterday in Monterey. Hope you enjoy them and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures!! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)
