Thursday, August 16, 2012


We're back from our 2-1/2 week road trip adventure! We covered 8 states: California, Nevada, Utah,  Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and we stepped over the Missouri River into Iowa. We had a great time and I took way too many pictures, so I'll be splitting them up over a few days :) 
For my first post I'm sharing a few photos from LoDo (lower downtown) Denver. LoDo is such a fun place to explore, and they have lots of cool artwork on the sidewalks - like those amazing pianos! I think the animal crackers one is my favorite :) You can't see from the angle in the photo, but it even has nutrition facts on the side, and a rope like the handle of the box. The third pic is the sign outside my favorite bookstore - I wish they had one here! They have so many books and all these cool places to sit and read. And a horse with sparkly purple hooves :) Can't say I've seen that before!

“Cities were always like people, showing their varying personalities to the traveler."
- Roman Payne

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