Monday, August 27, 2012


Photo taken from the car somewhere in Nevada of the sunset our first
day on the road
Amazing sunlight through the clouds near Laramie, Wyoming where we
stopped for dinner one night
Beautiful sunset in Bennington, Nebraska when we were staying with
aunt, uncle, and cousins :)
A sunset in Western Nebraska, near Lodgepole
Same sunset, different perspective
Colorful clouds on a fun sunset hike with uncle and brothers

We saw so many beautiful sunsets on our trip! They were all so amazing and different each day. I wasn't able to get a picture of all of them, but here are some of the pictures I did get. Most of the places we were traveling it was pretty flat so we were able to actually see sunsets. Here you can't see much between the mountains and trees :) Unfortunately, I didn't get to see a sunset in Arches, because the majority vote was get dinner instead of stay for sunset. Maybe next time....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Arches National Park

On our way home we stopped by Arches National Park, and spent one afternoon/evening and the next morning there. The landscape, the colors, and the rock formations were so beautiful, and so unlike anywhere we've been before. While we were there we stayed in Moab, a town just south of Arches. We found an amazing cafe, The Peace Tree Juice Cafe, that had great fruit smoothies (and a great name too :) I took the first three pictures the first evening, and the light and colors were so beautiful. Cairns like the ones in the fourth pic are all over Arches. The base stone is actually attached to the ground to mark the trail, and then people build off of that. 

“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” 
John Burroughs

Thursday, August 16, 2012


We're back from our 2-1/2 week road trip adventure! We covered 8 states: California, Nevada, Utah,  Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and we stepped over the Missouri River into Iowa. We had a great time and I took way too many pictures, so I'll be splitting them up over a few days :) 
For my first post I'm sharing a few photos from LoDo (lower downtown) Denver. LoDo is such a fun place to explore, and they have lots of cool artwork on the sidewalks - like those amazing pianos! I think the animal crackers one is my favorite :) You can't see from the angle in the photo, but it even has nutrition facts on the side, and a rope like the handle of the box. The third pic is the sign outside my favorite bookstore - I wish they had one here! They have so many books and all these cool places to sit and read. And a horse with sparkly purple hooves :) Can't say I've seen that before!

“Cities were always like people, showing their varying personalities to the traveler."
- Roman Payne