Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Paper Bead Bracelets

These are some paper bead bracelets that I made to sell at a craft fair. They were really fun and fairly easy to make, so I thought I would share some pictures and instuctions. To make the beads you will need magazines with colorful pages, a straight-edge paper cutter (you could use a ruler and scissors, but a paper cutter makes it easier), toothpicks, and glue. To make the beads into a bracelet you also need stretchy string and seed beads. Here's a link to the instructions that I used: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-Paper-Beads/
I love these bracelets because they're easy to make, and they're environmentally friendly because they use magazines that would usually just get thrown away and turn them into beauiful jewelry. Hope you have fun making some :)


  1. I like the look of all of them together :) Nice job!

  2. Thanks For Sharing...
    Bead is colorful and when made into a bracelet looks different it is something which can be gifted or is worn to beautify your beauty.
    Bead bracelets
