Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Foster Kitties

We got some new foster kitties on Monday! One mama, who we named Karma, and one baby boy, who we named Chi. We got them from a woman who said that the mama had given birth to five or six litters before, and all of the kittens had died, and that they hadn't gotten her spayed because she "wasn't their cat". She also was keeping Karma and Chi in her garage (in this cold stormy weather we had this last week!), and couldn't get them to us over the weekend because it was her birthday weekend. You definitely have to deal with people on both ends of the spectrum in animal rescue; the people who do so much to help animals, and then the people who are either inhumane, selfish, or not smart enough to do things like spay their cat before six litters of kittens die. I think this Gandhi quote is very fitting for the experience we had with these kitties.

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
- Gandhi

Now to the happy part. Karma and Chi are doing great. We are guessing Chi is about 1 to 1-1/2 weeks old. He's gaining weight steadily, starting to open his eyes, and absolutely adorable! Karma is super sweet, and loudly purrs pretty much 24/7. Karma is a great mama, and the two of them are always cuddling.


  1. You are doing such a wonderful job with these two -- they are lucky to have you!

  2. Sweet kitties...they are very fortunate to have you caring for them... :o) S
