Monday, June 9, 2014

Kelly Rose

Meet our newest foster kitten: Kelly Rose, an 8-week-old girl recovering from two fractured femurs. A Safeway employee found the kitten, abandoned and injured, in the Safeway parking lot on Saturday. Although the young woman who found Kelly Rose was initially dismissed when she told Safeway coworkers and Pet Food Express employees about the kitten, she was very persistent in her search for help. Eventually, she found a Pet Food Express employee who knew to contact Town Cats. A Town Cats volunteer picked up the severely injured kitten and took her to Silicon Valley Veterinary Specialists, where they discovered that she had bilateral femoral fractures. Dr. John Davies, who gave Kelly Rose her name, operated on the little kitten, placing multiple pins in each leg. On Sunday, Town Cats director Patricia Abreau called us to ask if we could care for Kelly Rose while she recovered. How could we say no? So now Kelly Rose is home with us for a month of R & R. She is on pain medication and antibiotics, and requires round-the-clock care to ensure that she stays clean, fed, and hydrated, as she has very limited mobility. Although Kelly Rose has had a rough last few days, and still has a long road to recovery, she seems to be doing pretty well. She is very affectionate, and absolutely loves attention, purring as soon as you start to pet her. Hopefully this little sweetheart's recovery will be fast and easy!

In just a few days, Town Cats has already spent thousands of dollars caring for Kelly Rose, a cost that is nowhere near covered in the adoption fee. Because the adoption fees do not cover the true cost of caring for the hundreds of cats and kittens that Town Cats rescues every year, the nonprofit relies heavily on donations in order to save the lives of cats and kittens like Kelly Rose. To help cover the cost of Kelly Rose's care, and the care of all the other cats in the shelter, I have created a Facebook page, where I will post updates of Kelly Rose's progress, and a GoFundMe page to collect donations. Please check them out, and share or donate if you want to. Thank you! :)

Town Cats website:

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Well, junior year is over and I survived! Now time to relax study for the SAT and work on college apps... But hopefully I will also find some time to relax and catch up on a few of the things I neglected during the school year and rowing season, including reading, photography, hanging out with friends and family, and, of course, this blog :) So here are a few photos from Friday's photography adventure with my dad. I hope everyone's summer is off to a great start!