Sunday, June 23, 2013


Life is a crazy and beautiful thing. It seems absolutely insane right now, but I've had a lot of moments recently (including 4 straight days of moments) that have reminded me that it is also so, so beautiful. I remember when, looking ahead, something could seem like forever - an intangible future that I didn't have to think about for years and years. Well, it's here now, and looking back everything has become an instant. I was faced with choices, and the choice I made means change and goodbyes. I was scared that opening this new door would forever close the one behind me. However, dear, dear friends have reminded me that this will be a new chapter, not a new book, and the previous chapters will always be with me, always a part of me, and I can return to them, even if it won't be exactly the same. They reminded me that as I go forward it will be with their love and support. I am scared, but I am excited, I am sad, but I am hopeful, and I am always, always grateful to know such amazing people and to be a part of their lives. 
These words ring very true right now...

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. 

We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand--and melting like a snowflake...”

- Francis Bacon